Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge: Top Tips
Samsung has finally launched its new flagship Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge on the market,so read at ATOM NEWS Blog tips you get more out of the smartphone!
From now on Samsung's new S-Class in the shops: Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge make (almost) everything right. With the right tips joy endures after purchase even longer!
ith the brand new models Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge are now available again two strong Samsung smartphones on the shelves.
Whether the normal version or the version with display curve: Both devices convinced on the test with their sharp, bright displays, a record high working and operating speed and the stylish design.
Thus, the joy does not decrease after the purchase,last longer.
For most users, the display is at the heart of every smartphone - after the screens are the gateway to the multimedia mobile phone world.
Samsung has always understood well in its Galaxy S models on offering his fans a veritable feast. So it's no surprise that Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge again offer a lot for the optic nerve. With the simple tricks of our blog you understand the many pixels behind the glass now even better.
Huge brightness
Do you want the display of the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge run at the highest brightness level, you must turn on the automatic brightness control. In bright light, the screen now switches to the maximum level that you can not adjust the manual control. For that you have to live with the fact that the display does not radiate so beautiful in darker climes. After all, the brightness is adjusted manually even in the auto setting. The bar to set, see the status bar, which can pull a wipe from the top of the screen.
Unintentional prevent turning
So you do not turn on the screen by accident in your pocket, go into the settings, select display screen and let off. when the Galaxy is located in a dark place, the display will not activate itself. Do you need to look up something during the night on your phone, but do not come around,
turn on LED light
Above the display is the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge LED, which lights up when the battery is charging, takes the smartphone language or get notifications. To turn the LED, enable it under Settings> Display> LED display.
Advanced Status Bar
Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge feature an enhanced status bar, which can be invoked by swiping twice from the top of the screen down. The Advanced Status Bar you can exercise various options to save about current mobile data on and off, or to activate the offline mode. With the S Finder you quickly search for contacts and files.
Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge: Best Battery Tips
Like every year Samsung this time puts in the art of its Galaxy S flagships up a gear. Higher, faster, further - but one thing is often forgotten: The battery of many smartphone devices leads fans for years to headache.
But it does not have to be! With the right advice your brand new Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge so that it is not as fast you go out of breath.
Enter Power Save Mode
Who wants to really save a lot of juice, activates the best power-saving mode.
This can be found under Settings> Battery> Power saver.
The mode limits the power of smartphones and restricts vibration features, location services and background information of Apps.
Applications such as Messenger and email apps update themselves may stop when it is based on synchronizing. In extreme emergencies the Ultra power saving mode helps.
This can be found under Settings> Battery> Ultra-power saving mode. The smartphone, the Home now simplified to gray scale. In addition, the Galaxy limits the number of usable apps and disables wireless networking and Bluetooth. Alternatively, you can activate the two power using the expanded status bar.
To do this pull down the bar from the top of the screen and wipe a second time down.
check battery usage of apps
Many apps you currently probably not use to suck the battery empty. Under Settings> Battery> Battery use, to check which applications the Galaxy take your juice and turn them off or power-saving adjusting. Just touch the app you want to configure.
off Always-On Display
The new Always-On Display from Samsung displays energy saving various information such as the time when you switch off the display. Should you even consume too much power, you can disable this feature of the screen. To do this in the settings, select the menu item display, and then the sub-item Always On Display. Alternatively, you can disable the always-on display using the advanced status bar. Drag the bar easily from top of the screen down and wipe a second time down.
disable Smart Stay
The Smart Stay feature the Galaxy-S series is quite useful, it lets the screen but switched as long as the user looks at him. Since the front camera to detect the face most periodically, but the function also consumes a lot of energy. Do you want to turn off Smart Stay, you can use the> Display> Smart Stay do under Settings.
Set tones correctly
If a certain application, or e-mail account does the continuous tinkling ? Or even completely be resting in a box?
Is the brand new Samsung Galaxy S7 packed to the roof with Apps?, duration tinkle is almost inevitable. With the right tips make sounds correctly.
A fully furnished Samsung Galaxy S7 or S7 Galaxy Edge can be a lot of noise. Here can be a call because of WhatsApp, there is Facebook and Instagram: In normal operation, the smartphones require quite a lot of attention. If that is too much of a good thing that can keep at individual apps and e-mail accounts.
Search sounds for Apps
In order to specifically change the ring tone of a particular app, select Settings> Sound and Vibration> Notification. Here you can assign applications such as the calendar application "S Planner" and e-mail accounts, the desired sounds. Also, choose from among news alerts, whether the Galaxy new messages to display on the lock screen and in pop-ups.
Mute Apps targeted
Does that bother you tinkling a single app, you can quite easily get silenced. Under Settings> Notifications find a complete list of installed apps. Press the button on the right side out, stop the notification sounds for each application. Tap Advanced to display a list of apps through which you define, for example, applications as a priority and can activate the preview of apps on the lock screen.
Enable sleep mode
If you want the Galaxy completely silenced, select Settings> Do Not Disturb. Tap on Activate Now, so the smartphone is no longer making sounds. Enable scheduled With How do you determine also whether or not the idle mode to automatically activate at certain times. Last can be let on exemptions> Custom control over which applications are allowed to hand loudly even in sleep mode. This is useful, for example, for alarms of the alarm clock.
Set e-mail sounds
With Samsung's Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge the email sounds can be configured only in the respective accounts. So you need to tap on the top left and then open the settings at the bottom of the list in the Gmail app on the "hamburger" menu (three horizontal lines). By selecting the account to edit, you get into the configuration menu that can be edited the tones. In the e-mail app from Samsung tap More> Settings> Notifications and then click to the email box to change the notification sound.
Clean Up Smartphone
Samsung's current flagship Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge run very smoothly thanks to the new Android 6.0 marshmallow. To keep it that way, it is important to avoid unnecessary load on the memory. Thanks to the Samsungs own "Smart Manager" can be quite simple RAM release, if things do not misses the pace that. In addition, the tool deletes unnecessary data to garbage's internal memory to ent and optimized at the request of the battery consumption. And also the safety of appliances contributes the useful application. ATOM NEWS Blog explains what is going on with the program itself.
So the Smart Manager works in this way
The "Smart Manager" can be found in the settings. Tap the battery icon on the top left to enter power-saving options for individual apps. The memory icon on the top right takes you to a screen that can be on the delete unnecessary data and unused files and apps. With a tap on the RAM icon on the bottom left would get you to a menu from which you can improve the performance of the smartphone by the Galaxy memory releases. Select the device security right, so that the program will scan the smartphone to unauthorized system changes and malware threats. Trust, as simple tap on the button to clean up the capabilities of the "Smart Manager" can clean all.
Calling and texting are only a relatively infrequently used secondary functions of modern smartphones. With the latest Samsung devices Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge and its new features as you dive deep into the world of multimedia mobile all-rounder. Moreover, the fresh Galaxys be set as a wireless repeater. The phones then function like wireless router and extend the reach of the quasi origin router.
To set up the Galaxy as a wireless repeater
To Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge to transform into a wireless repeater, go to Settings> Mobile Hotspot and Tethering> Mobile Hotspot> More> WLAN released> WLAN Enable. The smartphone now function as a router. Make sure that the mobile phones are about halfway between you and the router in order to achieve the maximum effect of the function. It is also advisable, during which to connect the phone to the mains, since the repeater function uses a lot of energy.
save background data data volume.
To turn off background data from being targeted
Many apps synchronize in the background on the Internet. This is in many applications also very useful, because without the synchronization works a chat program, for example, only if you actively access it. Should read: WhatsApp no longer tells you whether you have received a new message when the program is not open.
Other Apps turn update continuously in the background, even though you use it almost never. Are you then not in wireless road, will cost valuable data volume. To selectively disable the background data for individual apps, go to Settings and select data usage> Background data. It is advisable to keep on the background data of the phone application and of messengers, e-mail apps and navigation applications, so that the programs still function properly.
That's is all for now
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Sincerely digitalis yours
Atom News.
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